Are You Empowered or Invincible?
“When you know yourself you are empowered. When you accept yourself you are invincible.”
Human Design is NOT dogma. It’s a system - a pattern - that’s intended to be experimented with and understood through each person’s unique Design. In other words, it’s not just learned through a reading. It has to be lived, over years, to be truly understood. Incorporating Human Design into your life, business, and client work requires you to take the L.E.A.P - Learn. Embrace. Apply. Pause. (Reflect and Integrate).
Learning your Design allows you to know yourself. Living your Design allows you to accept yourself.
Whether you’re new to Human Design or not, it’s imperative to learn and live yourself, at least for a time, before you embark on introducing it to your clients. Your power and magnetism, as a coach, is only enhanced when you can give clients specific examples of how you’ve incorporated your Design into different areas of your life.
Included in the Coach’s Companion is a follow up period where you can ask questions, gain more clarity, and/or strategize new and different ways of living your Design. Call, text, WhatsApp, Voxer, Telegram, Zoom, whatever you want or need so you can be as successful as possible in your own experiment …
… and be able to support clients in theirs.
Take Action
If you want additional support with your Design, schedule some time.
If want to start your experiment, let’s get to it!
That’s performance, reimagined.