Discover the missing link in personalized coaching.

As a successful and dedicated certified professional coach, you understand the massive power of a truly personalized approach. If you've noticed a plateau in your clients' development, struggled with the limitations of a one-size-fits-all approach, or sought deeper connections and more meaningful breakthroughs, it might be time to explore the transformative potential of Human Design as part of your coaching practice.

Why Human Design?

Human Design offers a unique, in-depth look into your client's energetic makeup, combining elements of ancient wisdom with modern science. This powerful approach provides actionable insights into how your clients are designed to interact with the world, make decisions, and fulfill their potential. By integrating the knowledge of Type, Strategy, and Authority of your clients into your practice, you can tailor your coaching methods to align perfectly with their intrinsic nature, fostering unparalleled personal growth and satisfaction. It will also provide insight into what’s blocking them from reaching their full potential and why they came to you in the first place.

Transform Your Coaching Experience

Gain full access to your client’s potential and watch as your coaching practice transforms. Welcome to the future of personalized coaching.
Welcome to the power of Human Design.

Personalized Strategies: Move beyond generic approaches with coaching strategies uniquely tailored to each client's design, ensuring more impactful guidance.

Deeper Engagement & Retention: Deepen your client relationships through a demonstrated commitment to understanding and valuing their individuality, significantly boosting satisfaction and loyalty.

Breakthrough Client Plateaus: Equip yourself with the insights to navigate and overcome the root causes of your clients feeling stuck allowing for profound breakthroughs and progress.

Aligned Goals and Decision-Making: Guide your clients in setting and pursuing goals that truly resonate with their authentic selves, leading to greater fulfillment and success.

Competitive Edge: Stand out in the coaching field by incorporating the rich, transformative insights of Human Design into your practice, offering a unique and highly sought-after service.

Empowered Partnership: Lean into the partnership of ongoing support and guidance from a Human Design expert without having to do all the heavy learning.

Coach’s Companion

  • Professional coaches interested in learning more about Human Design and incorporating it into their coaching practice.

  • In-depth Client Overview: Receive a thorough review of you and/or your clients' Human Design chart - unraveling unique energy dynamics, strengths, and challenges.

    Customized Recommendations: Get tailored strategies and approaches to support you and/or your clients in aligning with your/their natural design, maximizing your/their productivity, and fostering authentic connections.

    30-Day Consultation Support: Access unlimited support and guidance through Voxer or WhatsAp for 30 days post-consultation. Have your questions answered, brainstorm ideas, and navigate any challenges that arise throughout the journey.

  • Enhanced Effectiveness: Gain a deeper understanding of you and/or your clients' intrinsic nature, enabling you to tailor your business to your energy and your coaching approach to their specific needs and aspirations.

    Increased Client Satisfaction: Empower your clients with profound insights into their authentic selves, fostering self-awareness, acceptance, and personal growth.

    Ongoing Support: Enjoy peace of mind knowing you have a dedicated guide available to address your questions and provide guidance as you navigate your clients' journeys.

    Professional Growth: Expand your expertise and differentiate yourself in the coaching landscape by integrating the powerful insights of Human Design into your practice.

  • $198/chart